Woman Finds Dog ‘Abandoned’ In The Woods

When Tiffany, a dog rescuer in Atlanta, got a call about a dog abandoned on a local walking trail, she immediately went to check it out. As she approached the dog, someone stopped her to let her know that the dog wasn’t abandoned — he actually belonged to an unhoused person.
Tiffany quickly headed home to write a note for the dog’s owner and put together a little supply bag with food for both the pup and his dad. When she returned, the dog, Simon, was there along with his dad.
Tiffany found out that Simon and his dad only recently became unhoused and were currently in a transitional phase. Even though Simon originally appeared to have been abandoned, that wasn’t the case at all. The sweet pup was actually very, very loved.
Seeing as it was extremely hot in Atlanta, Tiffany decided to help the pair out by shaving Simon down so he was a bit cooler in the heat. She then booked them into a pet-friendly hotel and posted their story online to start trying to raise money to help them out.
“Please save the judgemental comments, this could be you and your dog,” Tiffany wrote on TikTok. “You truly never know.”
Tiffany was able to raise enough money overnight to bring Simon to the vet to get checked out and get him some pain medication for a sore paw he was dealing with. Otherwise, Simon seemed to be healthy and had a blast making tons of new friends.
By reserving judgment and learning the whole story, Tiffany was able to help Simon and his dad while they worked through a tough but temporary situation. She bought them more supplies and made sure they had a place to stay while they figured out more permanent housing — and most importantly, they were able to stay together.
“Simon and his owner are doing much better today,” Tiffany wrote.